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How restaurants are courting Millennials

How restaurants are courting Millennials

Younger diners are seeking authenticity, community and more from restaurants.

Everyone knows how important the 80-million-strong Millennial audience is to the future of the restaurant business. After struggling through the economic downturn, owners of an East Coast chain of diners took that trend seriously when revamping the concept to target a younger audience.

The changes at Silver Diner — including a new farm-to table menu and nods to those on vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free diets — were such a hit that the founders are planning a “21st century diner” called Silver that will feature outdoor communal tables, LED lighting, natural materials and urban sites.

“Millennials have less money, but they want to use the money that they have to make a difference,” Silver Diner cofounder Robert Giaimo told the Washington Post. “We’ve been serving yuppies. Now we had to serve their kids with an experience they could relate to.”

The story covers trends in Millennial tastes and how other operators are adapting to this key demographic.

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