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Stir-fried Shredded Sprouts

INGREDIENTS:1 pint Brussels sprouts
3 Tbps. olive oil
1 Tbsp. finely grated or chopped ginger root
1 Tbsp. minced garlic
Salt & pepper to tasteDIRECTIONS:1. Break off any wilted or yellowed leaves from the sprouts.

2. Slice sprouts in half lengthwise. Place on flat sides and cut into thin shreds, starting at the rounded ends.

3. Heat the oil in a large skillet until smoking. Add the shredded sprouts, ginger and garlic, and immediately toss. Continue stir-frying until the sprouts are lightly browned and tender.

4. Season with salt and pepper during cooking, if desired.SERVINGS:4 servingsFrom:The Wood Company